Rashid Siddiqui, a distinguished industrialist and...
Afeef Rashid, renowned as the CEO of Afeef Zara Packages...
IMF mission arrived in Pakistan a day earlier to lead...
“Due to collective efforts, we are observing...
KSE-100 jumps to an all-time high of 53,263.07 points...
President Karachi Business Forum hosted a Lunch Gathering in the honor of Think Tank Members
July 12, 2024
Rashid Siddiqui, a distinguished industrialist and visionary leader in Pakistan, recently hosted a notable lunch gathering under the auspices of...
Afeef Rashid Hosts Business Dinner Gathering in Honor of KATI President and Deputy Patron In Chief
July 7, 2024
Afeef Rashid, renowned as the CEO of Afeef Zara Packages and President of the Young CEOs Club, recently orchestrated a...
No compromise on targets set under loan deal, IMF tells Pakistan
November 4, 2023
IMF mission arrived in Pakistan a day earlier to lead talks on second tranche under SBA IMF mission arrived in...